Our staff

I was born in the states, and learned in the Lakewood Yeshiva “heichal hatora”, and “Itri”.
Graduate of the Talmudic University of Florida (USA) in Jewish History and Talmud, and an MA in Philosophy of Education from Simon Fraser University in Canada.
I served as a teacher, educator, and head of yeshiva in several yeshivas in the United States and Canada, and was one of the founders of the ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva “Marava” near Hashmonaim, where I served as the first teacher.
Today I am a community rabbi in Ramat Beit Shemesh and head of Yeshivat Derech Hayim since its establishment.

I studied at the Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, in the Brisk yeshivas, Kol Yerushalayim and Mir.
I served as a military chaplain in the Intelligence Corps and for three years as head of the Halachic Beit Midrash of the Military Rabbanut.
He is ordained by the Chief Rabbinate and serves as a community rabbi in Ramat Beit Shemesh.
I serve as a teacher at Yeshivat Derech Chaim.

During Yeshiva ktana i learned at Kol Torah, and in the yeshivot of Hebron, Knesset Mordechai, and heichal Zion. After my marriage, I studied at the Kollel Yeshivat HaRan and Nahalat Bnei Shimon.
I served as a teacher and teacher of the Talmudic content (Gemara, Halachah and 613 Mitzvot) for ten years in Yeshivat Derech Hashem, and as head of the Beit Midrash “lemi shelibo chafetz”. I was one of the founders of Machon Mitzvot Hashem.
I worked on editing and writing books, including the book “Ella HaMitzvot” on the 613 Mitzvot, “Siddur Yesod Ha’avoda” and the Ramban commentary on the Torah.
I currently serve as a teacher at the Beit Midrash Derech Chaim, a teacher, editor of Machon Mitzvot Hashem, and as head of a network of Torah lessons “lemi shelibo chafetz”.

I was born in the “Yesodot” ultra-Orthodox moshav, studied in ultra-Orthodox institutions [the Ponevezh Yeshiva] and after my marriage I studied at the Chazon Ish kollel.
In 1981 I was drafted into the IDF [second stage]. I took a military rabbis course and after completing my regular army service I served in the reserves as a military chaplain in the Armored Corps [Battalion 52nd Brigade 401] for years until I reached retirement age.
Starting 1982 I served as a 12th grade teacher at the Midreshet Noam High School in Pardes Hannah. And since the year 2000 I served there as Rosh Yeshiva.
In 1999 I was one of the founders of the ultra-Orthodox battalion Netzach Yehuda [the “Nachal Charedi”] and volunteered for seven years as one of the rabbis in the Netzach Yehuda organization, which dealt with recruiting Haredim and encouraging the soldiers serving in this unique battalion.
In 2005 I moved to teach at the ultra-Orthodox yeshiva Nehora in Moshav Mevo Horon.
After my retirement, I was one of the founders of the Derech Chaim hesder yeshiva and I am there now as a teacher and educator.

I was born in the United States and made Aliya d to Israel as a child. I studied at Yeshivat Netiv Meir and at the Kerem B’Yavneh Yeshiva.
I served as a combat soldier in the Armored Corps and additionally as a military Rabbi on various bases.I also served in the Halachic Beit Midrash of the military rabbinate.
I hold a rabbinical ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, and a degree in education.
Today I serve as a teacher at Yeshivat Nativ Meir in Jerusalem, and a Shoel Umeshiv at Yeshivat Derech Chaim.
I live with my family in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

36, a resident of Beit Shemesh. Former editor of the journal “Kulmus”.
I studied at Yeshivot Kol Torah and Mir in Jerusalem.
Rabbi in the ultra-Orthodox high school “Nehora”, and teaches the lessons of Emunah and Jewish thought at Yeshivat Derech Chaim since its establishment.

I studied at the Kerem B’Yavneh Hesder Yeshiva
I served for a long period of time in the Intelligence Corps in a variety of command, research and operational positions (Lt. Col.).
I am active in the field of social entrepreneurship in training and connecting Haredi youth to the employment market.
I serve as the director of the organization “Netivei Torah and Technology” and have been running Bet Midrash Derech Chaim since its establishment.

I studied at the ultra-Orthodox high school “maarava” and at the Derech Chaim Yeshiva.
I am the rabbis assistant at the hatzor air force base.
I have been a Madrich and along with my wife we are the “av and em bayit” for a year now, and I intend to continue in the field of youth counseling after my discharge from the IDF.